Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Years Eve 2020

The year 2020 has been a difficult year.  We made a trip to Dallas in late January just before the covid 19 Pandemic got worse.  We made it there and back safely.  However a scheduled flight to see Charles Thomas in Florida had to be cancelled as the virus was spreading very fast.  We were basically house bound for the rest of the year.  our local grocery took our orders and brought our order out to the car when we arrived, so we did not have to enter the store.  We stayed mostly house bound all year.  We took some car trips to Pemequid point to celebrate anniversary and birthdays.  
Many things happened over the year such as getting power grids on top of our house and having heat pumps installed inside.  We hope this will save us money from rising fuel costs.
Charlie and Beth bought a cottage in Roque Bluffs and it is a lovely place for their relaxing times.  We have been to visit twice and we love it there. Beth can be closer to her work when she needs to be up north, and comes back home here when she is in this part of the state. 
Tom and I stay well with our masks on and washing hands often.  we went to church a few times, but have now stopped when cases rose in Oxford. 
We miss seeing the family and hope that we get shots soon so we can be safe to have visits.  It is certainly a different world and I think Masks will be a part of the rest of our lives.  I really miss church, and hope that soon we can start going again.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

 December 1, 2020


It has been a while since I last posted.  In the interim, we finished out summer, got solar panels on the house and heat pump inside, so we are not wholly dependent on the power grid from CMP.  We have not had the furnace on all fall and winter, though it has been mild.  

Not being able to have family for thanksgiving, Beth invited us to her and Charlie's house on the coast in Roque Bluffs.  It is a beautiful house and very rummy for two guests, maybe more.  There are two bedrooms downstairs and a fruton upstairs where two could sleep. We enjoyed  the view is of the bay inlet where  you can watch the tide go in and out which is major as it is very close to Funday.  You can also walk down to the ocean, just a footpath away.  

We drove to the Roque Bluffs park, close by and went to Lubec to the light house on the eastern most point in the US.  

Jacob joined us for a delicious THanksgiving dinner. 

We are still wearing masks, but manage to go to church where only a few masked people are present.  We also mask up and hit the big grocery stores occasionaly, though the local Tiltons marke brings my order out to the car which I call in before.  

I am in no mood to decorate for Christmas as son Charles and family can't come because of Covid and the Grand families  can't come as well.  It will be a lonely Christmas this year.  

I am recording Christmas Carols on Facebook which helps my season mood a little.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Spring 2020

Spring 2020

This has been an odd spring.  We have had some really hot days and some really cool days.  The  pandemic quarentine still limmiets our travel and shopping, but I still try to get most of my groceries from Tilton's where they fill the order and bring it out to the car.
My flowers have been really nice so far this year.  I'm waiting for daylily season to start, but I have had lots of color.
We have been to church twice.  It is safe as everyone wears masks and  we distance far apart.   I'm tired of masking, but we have to stay safe.
I think I wrote about the church having a drive in to our driveway on our 65th anniversary complete with cake.  Tomorrow we do the same to Bruce and Jean on their 60th anniversary.

Bruce and Jean came over and we sat on the deck in masks for awhile, then came in to eat tapioca, which Jean brought.  It made for a nice birthday visit for Tom's number 87.

JUly 2020

We are now into our fourth month of knowing about the Pandemic Covid 19 and staying at home orders. 
We wear a mask whenever we dare go out.   Thanks to Tiltons market which loads my order in my car after I call it in, so we don't have to go into the store.  I'm staying out of Walmart and other stores.  We get by with what we have in store.  We finally dared to go back to church .  We watched on line and then listened in the car outside the church,but now we are inside with social distancing and all in masks.  Our new Pastor Wilder is very good to preach and a good Pastor so far.  I also like his wife Kortney, who attends every service in support and reacts with the people as much as possibe in light of the pandemic.
We  greatly miss seeing our Arizona family, but know that flying is dangerous for catching the virus.  We just try to stay safe, but life it pretty boring for those of us who like to go places. 

Monday, June 1, 2020


I"m trying to remember places we went on various anniversaries, but after 65, it gets hard.  I think number one we a Destin Beach in Florida.  Others, but not nesessarily in order have been  Biltmore castle in South Carolina,  Kuenoff Gardens in Holland, CalawayGardens in Alabama, Various camping trips, Rafting down the Colorado River, Trip to Indiana, Cruises down the Danube and Rhine, Trip to Egyup, Trip to South Africa, Arizona, Florida, Carribean cruise, Cabin in Nova Scotia, and a big Fifty celebration at church with Chuck and Luella,  many B and B's on the coast, San Diego, Canadian rockies, Nashville TN, Branson Missouri, London,  Dallas, Sequaria, Hawaii, Tanglewood and Garrison Keeler, Death Valley, New York City,
That's all I can remember, but each one has been a blessing and this trip of 65 years, has been quite a trip.  Thank you dear husband.  I loveyou.

Friday, May 8, 2020

snow tonight in May

Yes, The weather man says snow will come tonight.  I covered the lettuce in my planter on the porch, though it would probably be safe, except the snow may blow in,

What crazy weather.  It's not enough that we are home bound because of the covid 19, but now we have to contend with snow.  Actually, Tom and I are still well and we know of no one in our circle of friends that has the virus.  We did have to let in the plumber this week because of a leak in an outside faucet but we wore masks around him.

Charlie is recovering nicely from his hernia operation yesterday.  Beth stayed home and worked from home today.  She went into her office the first of the week, but has been working from home since the stay at home order.

The tulips have all opened and I see new growth on all the shrubs, even the ones I put around rocks in the yard.  the yard is full of yellow daffodils, forsythia and the yellow tulips.  It looks like spring on this May 8 day. 
I did another classic piece on facebook today.  I should have counted all my videos, but lost count of the hymns.  today I did a Bach prelude.  Next Tuesay is still up in the air, but will be Beethoven or Haydn. 

Friday, April 17, 2020

It is now April 25 and we are into about 6 weeks of stay at home orders.  It is very boring.  At first, I did a hymn a day on Facebook to help take up time as I had to practice as well.  It's sad not to go anywhere and that includes church.  W had a new pastor coming the end of May.  I hope this Virus is better and we can go to church again.  Tom and I are being very careful as he has so many health problems. 
Brian came today and did some yard work.  It was good to see something getting done outside though not much is showing life as yet.  The hard snow storm just before Easter broke one of my azeleas out front.  I"m very sad over that, but there are others that will be blooming sometime if it ever gets warm again.  the orchid cactus are slow to open this year.  I have one that is open. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Easter Week

With this virus wrecking havoc, the chances are slim that we will go to church on Easter Sunday.  In fact, churches are closed.  I watched the Palm Sunday service on line and will do the same for Easter Sunday.
Beth got 1000 masks for her clerks and will distribute them this week without going into the offices.  Tom and I just stay put.  I cook and we eat.  Snow has melted so that I can walk the entire back yard to the rock wall on bare dead grass.  Signs of spring are beginning, but no bulbs are blooming yet.

I'm still recording piano music on Facebook.  It gives me something to do and I am also working on Childrens stories for Focus on the Family.  I also do jigsaw puzzles on line.  Tom and I are still speaking to each other and we also talk to the cat and dog, but no they don't answer.  

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Palm Sunday 2020

Yes it is Pam Sunday and we are under orders to stay at home, so no church.  This coronavirus is wrecking havoc with our lives.  I am posting music every day to give me something to do and people to listen if they want.
Today I was able to walk to the rock wall for the first time since last fall.  The snow is in spots, but was clear most of the way.  It's a way to get out of the house for fresh air.  We are not supposed to go anywhere except for groceries, medicine or a doctor visit.
So far, our family is still safe.  since everyone is staying at home, we are likely to stay safe.
Actually, Tom and I usually stay at home, so it's not too bad for us.  We have the pets to talk to and Beth and Charlie come up some to visit.

Yesterday I made chicken and dumplings, a comfort food and today we are having red beans and rice and cornbread.  I'm cooking all comfort foods.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Saturday outside time

It started out as a very sunny day.  Tom and I packed water, hand cleanser, snacks and stopped at Tiltons for pre made sandwiches and started for the coast.  While in Tiltons, I learned that all I had to do instead of going in with mask and gloves, was to call in my grocery list and pay with credit card and wait for them to deliver my groceries to the car.  What a nice thing to do.
Anyway, I wanted to see if we could get to Reed State Park on the ocean.  Having only been once, it was a trial and error.  However, we got to the park with no problems, but the entrance was gated and blocked.  We figured it was closed due to the virus, but figured, we could at least drive in.  that was not to be.  I got tired about Wiscasset, and told Tom to give up on Pemiquid and we would eat our little lunch by the bay there, which we did.  We watched the gulls waiting for us to throw out crumbs, but we didn't.  I saw what I assumed was a mother and grown daughter or two good friends who could not visit together.  They left the dock and drove away in two  different cars.  People are obeying the rule to stay away from each other pretty good.  We had a good outing anyway.

Friday, March 27, 2020

piano videos

Well, the piano videos are going nicely.  I've done two sessions so far and plan to do about one a day, until I get tired of them and people get tired of listening to them.  It's a sunny day and I think I will go for a walk.  Still a lot of snow on the ground.  I'll walk around it.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Second week of house bound for virus

March 26, 2020
Nothing new on the homefront today, but I managed to play a piece on the piano and post it on Facebook.  I will be doing more of this as it is something to do besides eat and play cards.  I'm also trying to send out a card a day to someone who comes to mind from church.  After that plays out, I'll just hit the phonebook, I guess.  Getting a card in the mail, might just cheer up someone.

We finished the split pea soup today.  I have to start something else tomorrow and I think it will be chicken soup.  Sara called awhile ago and that's what she was making.  Sounds like a good idea.
Yesterday, I froze a box of the soup for later in the year, when I need something good and comforting. there is something about a good bowl of soup to lift your spirits.

My left trigger thumb is worrying  me.  That's why I want to record some of my music.  I'm afraid that my piano playing days are almost over, but then again, so am I.   I've enjoyed my piano over all the years since I was about 14 years old.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March eight inch snow

Yes, it snowed until midnight and we estimate a good 8 inches on the ground, but the sun is bright and it should melt rather fast.
No good news on the virus, except our house is apparently free of the germ.
Life is not back to normal by any means and we are looking for things to do.  I think today, I will start cleaning as we have let our house help go for the present.
I'm am not actually practicing the piano, but rather reading though some old stuff, which makes me happy.  I am also hooked on Netflix's Heartland, when I tire of doing things. The sunroom looks good today in the sun.  I might go out and take a picture of what's blooming.  

Monday, March 23, 2020

March 23, 2020
I am dismayed to look out over my deck in back and see the snow again coming down, rather fast. We were just beginning to see a little ground.  It's not enough to be depressed over this conorovirus, now we expect 5 to 10 inches tonight.

Tom went  to the eye doctor for eye shot today.  I was not allowed to enter the building with him, but waited in the car to drive him home, as he can't see after getting the shot.  He wore a mask and rubber gloves into the office and out.  On the way home, I donned a mask and rubber glover and shopped at Hanford for more groceries.  We should be set for months now.  Many shelves were empty, but I got what I needed.
Tom has to go for another shot in 7 weeks.  Maybe this virus nightmare will be over by then.

Beth continues to work from home.
Not much more to report today.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Pandemic 2020

Yes, We are still showing more cases and more deaths.  We are cooped in the house, but that is okay.  I can do puzzles, play cards with Tom and play he piano.  Made red beans and rice today for lunch with cornbread, comfort food.  The forecast tonight calls for 6 inches of snow tomorrow, so I will be trapped in the house for that alone.When will spring actually come to Maine?
I have cancelled my piano students until the virus thing is over,, also my housecleaner.