Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Years Eve 2020

The year 2020 has been a difficult year.  We made a trip to Dallas in late January just before the covid 19 Pandemic got worse.  We made it there and back safely.  However a scheduled flight to see Charles Thomas in Florida had to be cancelled as the virus was spreading very fast.  We were basically house bound for the rest of the year.  our local grocery took our orders and brought our order out to the car when we arrived, so we did not have to enter the store.  We stayed mostly house bound all year.  We took some car trips to Pemequid point to celebrate anniversary and birthdays.  
Many things happened over the year such as getting power grids on top of our house and having heat pumps installed inside.  We hope this will save us money from rising fuel costs.
Charlie and Beth bought a cottage in Roque Bluffs and it is a lovely place for their relaxing times.  We have been to visit twice and we love it there. Beth can be closer to her work when she needs to be up north, and comes back home here when she is in this part of the state. 
Tom and I stay well with our masks on and washing hands often.  we went to church a few times, but have now stopped when cases rose in Oxford. 
We miss seeing the family and hope that we get shots soon so we can be safe to have visits.  It is certainly a different world and I think Masks will be a part of the rest of our lives.  I really miss church, and hope that soon we can start going again.  

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