Friday, July 2, 2010

North Dakota

We have made it to ND today after the traffic jam around Minneapolis. We had a by-pass and that was fine, but a zillion cars, trucks and campers jammed the Interstate so we spent about 40 minutes going 5 miles an hour. However, we are here and aside from the heat everything is fine.
It was 90 degrees with wind about hurricane force, so we set up the camper, unzipped all the windows so the wind could pass through and not blow us over and went across the way to a nice restaurant. We ate in the cool of AC and now I am in the lobby of this resort writing. I don't have a picture today, but will be in more interesting country tomorrow. Today we passed 400 miles of corn fields, nice farms with gigantic silos and hundreds of small ponds. Tom speculates that these are sink holes left over from when the glacier moved through a long time ago and now they have filled with water. Some of them are impressively large.
The farms are beautiful because of the green corn fields, freshly harvested wheat fields giving a golden release to the ponds and fields. It really is lovely and different country.

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