Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Big tree

Yesterday as we were returning from the hospital where I had been all day having my throat and stomach examined, a reporter from the Advitisor democrat was here to interview Tom and take pictures of our white pine which is officially the largest in Oxford County.  Tom  let me in the house to rest and took Leslie on his ATV to the tree.  I'm sure it was a scary ride as I have not yet braved the trip on the back of the ATV.Reporters are brave people.
Since is was my birthday, Beth served the delicious cake she had mede and we had a little celebration of my 82nd. She made a lovely warm scarf and matching headband for me and Tom bought me a silk scarf and the foot bubble bath.
today is just an ordinary day with my two students.  My adult was her this morning and I will have my little one this afternoon.  I enjoy both of these.  They are both smart in their own ways and it's fun to see them grasp music.

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