Monday, July 13, 2009

Southern Fried

June has requested my southern fried chicken recipe. I will send it along, but remember when I was a child growing up in Mississippi, the chicken was fresh off the 'hoof" so to speak.

I use either a whole chicken which I cut up or purchase legs and breasts in packages. Now I use the boneless skinless breasts and cut each breast into halves. The bone in breasts give it a richer taste.
After drying on paper towels I lay the pieces out on a cutting board while the canola oil heats in the frypan. I generously cover the bottom with the oil, about a quarter inch.
After laying out the chicken I lightly salt and pepper each side then dredge in flour. I use only flour, nothing else.
When the grease is hot I put in the bigger pieces first and sprinkle each piece again with black pepper and lightly cover. If you cover tightly, the chicken will not be crisp.
As soon as I think each piece is browning, I turn it and keep doing so until it is golden brown and done. Drain on paper towels and enjoy hot or cold. You can't do too much else at the same time to keep it perfect.

Now for the southern daylilies. I am enclosing a photo I took this morning of one of my new hybrids which bloomed for the first time last year. I grow the seeds in the basement during the winter. Notice the darker yellow edging on the ruffling.
The eyed one is an unnamed seedling I brought her from Chattanooga when we moved here ten years ago.

I captured one of Beth's bees on a mallow this morning. The bushes were covered with the little critters.

1 comment:

Beth said...

oh that's a pretty bee