Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Beth gave me information on Katahdin which she had already told me, but I wasn't near a paper and pen, so the gray computer in my head didn't save. Actually I was in the car looking at the mountain on the way home from Caribou. Anyway, I think I spelled Katahdin wrong in the last blog, so will correct that.

Katahdin is a large mountain with three peaks, Baxter, Hamlin and Pamola. Baxter and Hamlin Peaks qualify as 4,000 footers because there is a 200 foot drop in elevation between them but they are on the sam massif-Katahdin. Now I think the record is straight.

I'm doing blogs today because I am sore from a lot of exercise yesterday. Beth came over with camera in hand and we headed to the river. I drove the 'mule' to the river, but we took off on foot to investigate the beaver activity. We walked along the river through the rough, no trail there, until we determined that the high water is all due to the large dam near the mine. We thought there may be another one, but there was no other

Then we took a beaver trail and found a darling little lodge. Their trail was as good or better than any of ours. Beth walked upstream to determine there were no other dams that she could see.

We walked up from the river to see where the little critters have clear cut the land.
I guess my adventures seem pretty boring to most people, but we love the land and having some animal activty to follow just adds a little more interest as we see how the river changes with the efforts of these little busy beavers.

1 comment:

Pappy said...

Just read a few more blogs and you will find that many people would give their right arms for something as exciting as visiting a beaver dam. Pappy