Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 2021

 This has been a wild year, with Covid restrictions and Tom's various flair ups medically. for instanace:

 Monday, September 27

I woke to find that Tom’s biopsy spot had bled all night, so I called the demonologist  office and was told to go in immediately.  HIs head had bled all the time in the hospital and they couldn’t handle it either.  He had an appointment at 11:00 in Rumford for his foot doctor.The demonologist is in Lewiston about 50 miles apart. 
They thought the bleeding was stopped and we left there about 9:30 for Rumford.  About 25 inures later, his head started bleeding again, but I keep driving to Rumford.  We made it just in time to get his feet checked and taken care of before heading home.  All of this so far with no breakfast for either of us, so we came home.  I called the Demonologist again and told them the problem.  They said Try  to make it by 2:00.  It is now 1:00, so off I flew and kept reasonably within the speed limit.  But we now had a little food  in our bodies for energy.

We made the trip on time and this time, he is really fixed up.  He had to come home and sit in a recliner with ice held on his head for 15 minute periods and not do anything.  I rested while Beth tended to him.  I got up later and made supper and now he is in bed and probably already asleep.

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