Monday, December 8, 2008

Cold weather has come

Yes, cold weather has arrived in Maine and I believe this is the coldest we have seen in a December since we have been living here which is now 10 years. We had wind chill of 20 below this morning with a reading of 4 on the thermometer. I just looked out and noticed that it was already 4 degrees. This prompted me to bring a few orchids into the house from the sun porch. I believe tomorrow will be devoted to bringing in most of the warmer loving orchids.

I have finally recovered from my interesting Sunday. After reading over that blog I realized I never identified my new 93 year old friend's instrument. It was a stand up bass, and that was why I was worried about him getting tired. I hope he has as fond a memory of last night as I do.
I don't know where he played in his younger days, but that would be an interesting story to find out. I don't think he can communicate that to me, but I'm sure a relative can.

Pete is in an assisted living apartment in a nursing home. I plan to arrange to go over one day and play with him at the home. According to his sitter, he has stacks of music. I know he doesn't read music, but maybe he did when he was younger. Anyway, we shall see if we can liven up that place one day!!!

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