Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September 27

It is a rainy day for the arrival of Chuck and Luella from Dallas and the week looks gloomy as well.  Never the less, we will just have fun in the house visiting.  I wish it should be nice and sunny, but whatever will be, will be.

Dean took a nice photo of the two of us at the river looking for the Beavers. It is a most peaceful place to sit and enjoy our woods.  I just  finished reading, "The Hidden Life of Trees" which has made me more aware of trees and their lives.  It's funny how you think of a tree just being that tall thing in the woods, but not how it grows, survives, propagates, nurtures those around it and sound alarms when danger is in the woods.  The trees actually prepare for the different seasons and they prepare for things to befall them in nature.  They do have methods of protection from animals, fungi and little bugs in the soil.
Though I have finished the first read on the book, which is actually Beth's book, I want to re-read and outline each chapter.  It is the most fascinating book, I have ever read.

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