Monday, November 2, 2015

Life's adventures, good and bad

It is true that life is a series of adventures and how we respond to these adventures shapes our lives.  We all love to relive our vacations and the good parts of the kids growing up, but when life deals us lemons, do we make lemonade or choke on the acidity?

Last week when the well had a problem and the testing stirred up the water, it was an inconvience.
Later that same day, when the washer broke and thought I needed 4 inches of water all over my kitchen,  Tom quipped as we were frantically sweeping rushing water out into the garage, " The floor has never been this clean." That was actually true and I had to laugh amid my struggles with too much "mop" water.

Yes, that was an adventure that I could have done without.
However, earlier that same day, I was riding on the back of the 4 wheeler, as Tom drove  us into the woods.  The pretty leaves are all gone and most trees stand naked, which allowed me to see that running along in the woods off to our side was a deer trying to keep up with the 4 wheeler.  As the evergreen trees on either side turned  our trails into  dark mysterious tunnels, we sped on down, past the beaver dam and the rock debris from the mine explosion.  I got off of my ride at the mine and walked behind Tom to the North East corner of our 100 acres.  The river had been turned into a large lake, thanks to more beaver dams. It was overall a very good adventure and we had no mishaps.  That adventure happened just hours before our water disaster. So I look at this as a balance of adventures.  Lemonade?

What will today bring?  I have not idea.
Some more good adventures have been trcent surprise visits from long ago friends.  As we age, memories are about all the real adventures that we have left.
I should get ready for the day and have more coffee as I await the delivery of my new washing machine.

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