Friday, January 15, 2010

Jewel Orchid

My Jewel Orchid has really put on a show with 7 spikes. The tiny white flowers are so perfect that it boggles the mind. Our creator did a wonderful job designing everything, but orchids are so fantastic. The tiny ones especially bring awe to me every time I gaze at them and their intricate design.

The Jewel Orchid is the only orchid which can be entered in a show without bloom because of the unique foliage. It reminds me of the coleus plant with the lovely foliage.

Another wonderful creation is grandchildren and we had a chance over Christmas to see our latest. We call him our Chilean grandchild because he lives in Chile with his parents, our son Charles and wife Luz Maria. We had a wonderful time with the family during the holidays. Grandson Peter, little Charlie's big brother came as well as Luz's son Ignacio. Ignacio, who never gets a chance to play in snow managed to create a very nice igloo in the back yard.

It was so much fun to have family around. Beth pops in often and Molly was home from college for the holidays.

I enjoy my orchids in the winter because they bring beauty into a house surrounded by mounds of snow. I enjoy visits from daughter Beth and son Charles as they bring sunshine into an otherwise cold world.

I can't seem to get my other pictures to load, so I just may have to write another blog about the baby.

1 comment:

Pappy said...

As soon as your pictures thaw out a little you will be able to post them. Wish we could visit at this time of year. We actually had one night of sub freezing temperatures that bit back most of the palms and other tropicals, but didn't seem to do much damage to the citrus. I pruned the damaged leaves just before the paper advised to leave them alone for another month. Well, plants have to be tough to survive under my tender care. Have a great week. Your Nephew