Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer continues

Yes, Summer came and stayed. No more flannel PJ's or windows left open. The AC is running. I think we may have hit 90 degrees today and yesterday as well.

The garden didn't know what to do with the heat, so it just exploded in growth. I can't find the tomato plants for the weeds but today I picked enough beans to can 13 pints. I don't do quarts just for the two of us, so pints work. I've actually been picking beans and giving them away for a couple of weeks now, but there is still more. And to add to the misery of too much produce, the row of pole beans is full of tiny beans already.
Baby squash are showing their bright yellow bodies in the giant bushes that cover two rows in width. I pulled several carrots for supper tonight. We will have lots of carrots!!! But, enough about the garden.

As you recall, I am Dump Diva to the Transfer Station Swap Shop. I recently sent in a grant requesting $5,000 for closing in the containers for winter. Actually it will be a room connecting the two containers. I received a grant for $2,000 and the town fathers are meeting tomorrow night to get me the rest of the money. We plan to start construction in September. I'm excited about this because it is such a help to so many people who come and get clothing, appliances, dishes, books, toys, etc. Now they will be able to "shop" without completely freezing this winter. And my many helpers will be more comfortable.

We are missing Beth and Charlie as they are on route to Latvia where they will be looking for paintings by Charlie's great grandfather. I believe Charlie has made arrangements for going to all the churches where the paintings are located. Then they will be meeting Sara in Sweden for a visit.

Before Beth left, she and Tom checked on the bees. I thought you would enjoy this picture.

The daylilies are about gone and we are enjoying the phlox.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like things are really buzzing around your place. I would love to take advantage of your bountiful garden. I'm glad to hear the Dump Diva is upgrading her operation.Take Care, Tell Uncle T hello. I pray for safe travels for Beth and Charles.