Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A cool morning

As I sat on my deck this morning sipping my hot coffee and reading the paper while the rising sun warmed the back of my jacket on this cool 50 degree morning, I thought how blessed we are. What a beautiful country we have. What a peaceful day as tiny puffy clouds drift over the mountains instead of smoke rising from bombs in the distance. We are a blessed people.

The robins were busy looking and finding worms in the ground as bluejays and bluebirds flew overhead landing briefly in the birch tree. A chipmonk hurried across the yard with his tail in the air looking for who knows what. It is a lovely morning.

I look across the deck to my brocolli patch and see that yesterday's rain shower has washed the growing heads.

My beautiful daylilies are glistening in the sun.

I walk to the pond and see the fish swimming lazily around looking for more food. What a beautiful day.

I walk into the meadow and see a mashed down spot in the wildflowers and wonder who slept there last night. What a beautiful day!

1 comment:

Pappy said...

It's a beautiful day in the neighbor hood. A beautiful day for feeling good. Mr. Rogers. Nice thoughts. Glad you could smell the roses. Pappy