There is no way to explain to anyone what I actually did today, but I will try.
First I must say it was a wonderful experience and if I have to spend the next few days in bed it was worth it.
Beth signed me up to take a wildflower walk on Mount Washington, the higher than a mile mountain in New Hampshire.
She and Molly picked me up at 7:15 this morning. I had been to the chiropracter four days this week for a back problem from working too hard in the yard and was prescribed muscle relaxants yesterday by my doctor. The injury affected my left leg.
Putting all that aside, I wanted to go very much.
When we got to the site, I realized that that the first .03 miles of the trip was straight down a boulder field. I looked at this path from hell and thought, I'm here, I have to do this!!
With two hiking poles and much help and encouragement from Beth, I made it to the Wildflower trail not too far behind the rest of the group. However, the trail was also traversing rocks.
The alpine flowers at this elevation were very small but also very colorful and covered most of the rocky terrain. Our guide pointed out white daipensia, pink alpine azelea, Alpine bluetts, colorful pink Lapland rosebay and many other plants growing over moss covered rocks and what ground there was.
It was a beautiful sunny day with a few clouds and the patches of snow kept our temperture great for hiking.
After lunch in a large boulder field, I decided that going back while I could still walk was a good option. Molly agreed, so the three of us struck out.
The left leg was almost impossible to lift as I climbed back up the boulder field from hell, but if the little engine that could could make it, I could and did!!!
Way to go Auntie Maine. You conquered the challenge and got to enjoy the flowers. Sounds like a nice outing with the girls. Hope Uncle T is OK. We will hopefully see mom and the rest of the family in Mississippi in three weeks at our reunion in Hattiesburg.
Congratulations. Younger people don't realize the challenge of balance for us oldsters in a boulder field
Dr. Dean
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