Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Moose hunting

We didn't get a shot of the one moose we saw because she was flying across the road, but this deer picture is worth a few moose ones. We also saw wild turkeys.

The Rangley lakes are beautiful, even in the rain. Lake Mooselookmegunticook or however it's spelled, is pronounced the way it looks. We took several pictures of the lakes from different viewpoints. Chris was more agile on the rocks that Auntie was on the hike down and up the Wildflower trail on Saturday.

Our favorite spot was Small Falls where Chris posed beside the falls. We also stopped at Coos Canyon where they used to mine a lot of gold.

We all were enthralled with the lupines in full bloom all along the roads.

We ate at the Purple Onion (only in Maine) and saw a Sun Journal lying on the table. We told the waitress that the young man with us had taken the pictures for the Hartford Heritage story. She was impressed.

Enjoy the photos.

1 comment:

Pappy said...

Wow Auntie Maine, you've been posting up a storm since I left a couple of weeks ago. Looks like you are getting the most out of your corner of the world. Hope your back eases up. Glad you made the trek in spite of your infirmity. Pappy