Friday, November 28, 2008

The Day after Thanksgiving

The day after Thanksgiving was a great one for Tom and me.

In days of yore, it was always a trip to the Grands house in Kentucky over snowy highways, little kids in the car and lots of family fun during the 12 hour trip from Massachusetts.
We would leave right after school was out and drive all night. One snowy night we were snowed in at a rest stop on the New York turnpike. We made it to Kentucky, but not for Thanksgiving day. It was the day after for that year as it was this year for us.

Yesterday, the real Thanksgiving Day, we cooked for and served thirty nine people at our church, some members and some needy. It was a different kind of family day.
We have learned not to dwell on family times gone past, but to accept and adapt new holiday activities. The activities may not always be the same, but it will be a holiday observed.

Beth was in Ireland, but she made Thanksgiving dinner the Sunday before. Charles was in Mexico, but when he was here in October, we had Thanksgiving dinner at Beth's house again. She is a great entertainer and cook.

Soooo today it was my turn for a new tradition. Grandson Ethan and wife Anne and granddaughter Molly came over for after Thanksgiving soup. I always make turkey/noodle soup out of the carcass bones and since I cooked one of the turkeys for church, I had that available. Then as I was drinking my coffee this morning, I saw a turkey stew being made on my favorite morning channel. I got on their site and whipped up a second soup for lunch along with Cole slaw which I had made for the church dinner, and the usual pecan pie.

I must say, all agreed that it was a great after Thanksgiving dinner for a cold day and one that I may be repeating for hopefully several more years.

I hope that each of you had a great memory for this Thanksgiving. We had much to be thankful for this year as always.


Anonymous said...

Sounds nice and that soup really sounds good. Hope Beth and Charles both have safe travel. Take care

Beth said...

Hello from Ireland, I'm so glad to read that you shared soup with the grandkids. I love you all and will be home tomorrow night.