Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Ice Storm December 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Cold weather has come
I have finally recovered from my interesting Sunday. After reading over that blog I realized I never identified my new 93 year old friend's instrument. It was a stand up bass, and that was why I was worried about him getting tired. I hope he has as fond a memory of last night as I do.
I don't know where he played in his younger days, but that would be an interesting story to find out. I don't think he can communicate that to me, but I'm sure a relative can.
Pete is in an assisted living apartment in a nursing home. I plan to arrange to go over one day and play with him at the home. According to his sitter, he has stacks of music. I know he doesn't read music, but maybe he did when he was younger. Anyway, we shall see if we can liven up that place one day!!!
Interesting Sunday
I helped Tom set up for Communion, practiced with the soloist and played Christmas arrangements on the piano for preludes and then switched to the organ.
The deacon forgot me at the organ, so I only got half of the rite, but not to worry, the Congo church I play for across the street would have communion too, so I would be alright.
After playing for the communion service, I dashed across the street, nibbling a cracker on the way as I was running low on gas. I did a nice arrangement of O Little Town in a Sonatina setting, then did a nice arrangement of Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne, played the hymns, including the candlelighting, which I forgotten the week before and had gone to my seat in the pew too soon and had to be reminded, and finally I did a pepped up arrangement of Come Thou Long Expected Jesus as an offertory. (Are you dizzy yet?)
Tom and I grabbed a bite at the corner store, so I could go back into our church and practice last minute passages for our Cantata, Emmanuel.
We then drove to Paris Hill Baptist for a 1:30 warm up and presentation at 2:00 which went fairly well for a first performance. We have two more next Sunday.
I couldn't wait for that afternon nap because Pastor Bruce had asked me to play at North Paris Church for their annual Christmas singalong. Sometime during my nap, the phone rang, which Tom answered. When I woke up, he said one of the ladies of the church who is taking care of a ninely three year old man wanted him to come and play along with me if it wouldn't bother me. What the heck, it's Christmas. I'm not that good anyway, so maybe he can cover my mistakes.
We got to the church and there was this wonderful, alert looking gentleman smiling at me. "Okay", I thought. "Let's see how it goes." I cranked up a few hymns for us to experiment with and he said, "Do you have anything with a little zip?"
Hmmmmmm. "Okay, lets go. How about the Battle Hymn?" and off we went. All I had to tell him was the key and he was right there with me.
I worried that he might get tired standing there playing away. It seems I was the tired one.
I had planned to do The Little Drummer Boy as a special in the setting of Mozart's Night Music.
I asked Pete, my new ninety year old friend, if he would like to play along. He said he didn't knw it, but by now I wasn't worried. I told him the key and off we went.
Jane, his caretaker, phoned his daughter while we were playing and she said the daughter hung onto the phone crying up a storm!! Did I get a Christmas present last night? You bet I did.
Not only did it bring back memories of playing piano with my Charlie as he was growing up, but I saw the miracles that God performs with aging people. He lets some of them keep the precious gift of music. Pete will not know me the next time he sees me, but Jane tells me to remind him of playing at the Christmas party and he will remember. May I be so fortunate as to retain a little of my ability through the years, though I certainly won't bank on making it to ninety three. I forgot to mention that we played for an hour!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Day after Thanksgiving
In days of yore, it was always a trip to the Grands house in Kentucky over snowy highways, little kids in the car and lots of family fun during the 12 hour trip from Massachusetts.
We would leave right after school was out and drive all night. One snowy night we were snowed in at a rest stop on the New York turnpike. We made it to Kentucky, but not for Thanksgiving day. It was the day after for that year as it was this year for us.
Yesterday, the real Thanksgiving Day, we cooked for and served thirty nine people at our church, some members and some needy. It was a different kind of family day.
We have learned not to dwell on family times gone past, but to accept and adapt new holiday activities. The activities may not always be the same, but it will be a holiday observed.
Beth was in Ireland, but she made Thanksgiving dinner the Sunday before. Charles was in Mexico, but when he was here in October, we had Thanksgiving dinner at Beth's house again. She is a great entertainer and cook.
Soooo today it was my turn for a new tradition. Grandson Ethan and wife Anne and granddaughter Molly came over for after Thanksgiving soup. I always make turkey/noodle soup out of the carcass bones and since I cooked one of the turkeys for church, I had that available. Then as I was drinking my coffee this morning, I saw a turkey stew being made on my favorite morning channel. I got on their site and whipped up a second soup for lunch along with Cole slaw which I had made for the church dinner, and the usual pecan pie.
I must say, all agreed that it was a great after Thanksgiving dinner for a cold day and one that I may be repeating for hopefully several more years.
I hope that each of you had a great memory for this Thanksgiving. We had much to be thankful for this year as always.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
First snow 11-25--08
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Forbodings of winter
Another sign that winter is approaching comes from the rhododemdrum leaves. They shrivel up when the temperature drops below 35 degrees in an effort to prevent moisture loss from the leaves. Isn't our wonderful creation awesome? And some say there is no divine creator!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Flooded river
New Camera
We tried the camera first at Beth's house as soon as I got it. I was a bit intimated with all the gadgets. She posed in front of her warm stove with blooming cactus in hand. She's into flowers as well as her mother and has quite a collection already.
Beth had to try the camera next and she had me sit at her piano. The piano is my former spinet which we bought soon after she was born in Chattanooga. She wanted it after I got my baby grand and so now it lives in her house. She learned to play on it and felt it was part of the family.
After this group of photos, it rained all week, so I was stuck with indoor pictures. Misty cat proved to be an accommodating model as she sat around or warmed herself by our gas log fire.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The day after
Following this hour plus meeting, Tom had his back therapy, then we went by to vote.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Bear signs
Tom and I walked around the woods a bit today. It was his first time in weeks to venture down to the river. He found this tree in the photo that has recently been gorged out while 'someone' searched for bugs to eat.
Now we have never actually seen a bear. We have seen signs of scat and the neighbors have seen the bear himself. He attacked their bird feeders all summer.
We can only guess the size of this one from the height of the top scratches on the tree. They are easily 8 feet high. Now it is Halloween today, but when Tom says it looks like bear, that's good enough to keep me out of the woods by myself!!!
We had a flake or two of snow on Wednesday, so today I got the daffodils in the ground and finished clipping the last of the phlox stalks. We can almost say to old man winter, "Bring it on."
The wetlands are filled with red berry bushes. I took this photo at the river today. I really need to look up the name, but my identification books are in the other room and I just can't remember what they are. I'll just say that they dress up the woods which are really baren of colorful leaves.
We had a heavy rain recently, but the beaver dam is still holding water two feet higher on the upstream of the river. Just wanted you to know that the bear didn't displace the beaver watch.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Only in Maine
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Tamarack, Eastern Larch, Hackmatack Trees
Monday, October 20, 2008
Our Family from Chili
Luz Maria and Nacho had never been to the states so everything was new to them. They were delighted with the beautiful autumn we had and spent lots of time just looking at leaves and taking photos.
One nice trip was to the Pemaquid lighthouse. The water was calm as glass which is very unusual. We usually have waves lapping up over the rocks. However, it made for good tidal pool searching. Luz Maria is a lone figure as she stands on the rocks overlooking the Atlantic.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Safe Haven for Beavers
Well, thanks to my sweet husband the picture got where I wanted it. Now I want to put in a picture of the cabin. Let's see how that goes.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
More Fall Foliage
Friday, September 26, 2008
Fall is Here
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Dump Shopping
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Ocean Botanical Gardens
Our friends from Massachusetts were visiting and we wanted them to see the gardens.
Tom, still unable to walk, stayed in the visitor center and napped on a couch while we took the shuttle to the Rhododendrum gardens pictured with the waterfall and also our friends reflected in the pool.
I can't wait until spring when the plants are all in bloom. We walked through these gardens and then down to the ocean trail. Along the way we passed through a wet land where several species of ferns were growing in an experimental garden. They have been sent by various growers to see how the different species react to a Maine winter. The nice part about these gardens is that everything is labeled.
The fern garden led to the ocean where we walked along a quarter of a mile ocean side trail back to the center. The trail is dotted with sculptures and a fairy land garden where children are allowed to use sticks in the area to build their own little fairy houses.
This garden is a must for all of our visitors. Keep that in mind for your next visit.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Signs of Autumn
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Finished gardens
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Planting Has Begun
The purpose of building the beds was to move these seedlings into a larger show bed and have their old bed for next year's seedlings. The water feature was strictly an after thought.
But the result is quite impressive.
I had another helper, Matthew, move the 3 yards of mixed loam into the beds for the planting. He drove the mule down to our sand pit to get the sand for the walkway. We will cover the sand with mulch. The mulch arrives tomorrow. That means I will have to call on one of my helpers to put the mulch on the walkways and I will mulch the plants.
I moved all the daylilies which I had numbered as they bloomed. I photographed them and wrote descriptions in my record book. Tom, who still can't stand to walk because of his back, read me descriptions of the plants from a shady seat. I tried not to have two colors together. I will finish moving the others tomorrow. These will fill the upper bed.
If you notice a rock in the lower bed it is because I couldn't plant there. We had another large rock that couldn't be moved so I decided we would just have a rock feature in the bed.
What to do with the pile of rocks that were taken out of the beds is the next puzzle. The solution may come next spring.