Saturday, June 17, 2023

Beth's wildflower/nature club came today in rain gear as the promised storm came and went. They were treated to  a wonderful slide /lecture presentation in the carriage barn on Pollinators.  It was most informative.  It seems all manner of creatures are pollinators.  After the presentation, the rain slacked up and the 30 or more students hit the wildflower beds in the unmowed 3 acre lawn. Beeth was a wonderful host and they all hiked to the big tree (largest white pine in Maine) and it took 17 people standing shoulder to shoulder to reach around the big tree.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Another fall

 Today is June 14.

While loading groceries in the Hannaford parking lot in Winthrop, ME, Tom lost his balance and grabbed for me and sent me reeling across the store parking lot.  People came from all directions to help. Some were nurses and all where helpful.  Someone got a pillow out of their car to put under my bloody head.  After much testing by EMTs, it was suggested that I go to the hospital for head scans.  The scans were clear, so no head bleeding inside.  My bruised elbow needed a compress bandage for a large hematoma but test showed no breakage.  My blood pressure is high so I will follow up with my doctor in the morning. I also g0t a tetnus shot.