Saturday, January 22, 2022

Below zero

We hit 14 below zero on the hill this morning.  Weather man says not so cold tonight, but it is already down to 5  above at 8:00.

Ground is very icy,  I only go out with my cleated shoes.  I put cleats on a pair of shoes and leave them on, so I am ready to go get the paper or the mail.  Or to walk Mara when she is here. 

Not much other news.  

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Ice cold winter

January 10,1,12 all had nights well below zero and days in the teens.  Today the temp went up to 16 and tomorrow is predicted to be warmer still with a big storm predicted for Monday, the 17th.  We shall see.  I'll try to find a winter picture to use.


Monday, January 3, 2022


A new year has come, we hope it will be better than 2021. 

Tom and I are still free from the Covid virus as are Beth and Charlie.  Som Charles and family in Florida all had  a bout of the stuff as did Granddaughter Heather and family.  All survived, which was a real blessing as Grandson Lee is a high risk due to his Stage 3 Lymphoma in remission for five years now.

I am getting used to a new HP computer as my MAC died many months ago.  This was a great Christmas present.  Beth and Tom are so good to me.

I am still experimenting on tom's diet and so far , we are keeping the salt free food in his mouth.  He doesn't complain, but bravely tries my efforts at trying to make things tasty without salt. 

I will have a new housekeeper on Tuesday.  My neighbor, Barbara, will be helping out with cleaning and vacuuming.  

 This saves my energy for helping Tom and tending my numerous flowers and a  little piano practice.  MY hands give me more trouble than I admit, but I keep plugging along.  Yesterday in church, Arnold played piano and I played the organ for our praise time of hymns.  

It is very cold this morning at 2:00.  I looked at 15 degrees on the inside/out thermometer.   

I guess I am caught up with my 2022 news.