The highlight or our Christmas was enjoying Molly and Sam's little ones. This is Rosemary,
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Christmas 2022
When Tom and I returned from the Candlelight service last night, Sara was sick and throwing up. We stayed away from her and by midnight, she was over the worst. This morning as we awaited the rest of the family from Canton, we got word that Sam and Sadie were now very sick, so we are down to Beth and Charlie still recovering from Covid. Tom and I were still well, Molly and Rosemary also well, and they came over around 10:00. Archie and family came over about 11:00 and they were also well. So that was the crew available to celebrate Christmas.
We opened presents and snacked rather than
having a sit down meal. There was fried chicken, potato salad, slaw,
Salsa, chips, Beth's pumpkin biscuits and numerous cookies and candy.
Everyone had a great time visiting and playing with baby Rosemary.
Friday, December 23, 2022
New Alarm button
tom bought me a button to wear around my neck in case I fall. He has receivers all over the house so he can hear the alarm. It also works when I am outside working.
First Camela bloom
Tom bought me this camela plant for our 67 anniversary in May and I had to wait until winter for it to bloom which is the normal time. I think this one is called Debutant.
Winter storms 2022
On December 16 , we had 22 inches of snow. Now on December 23, we have heavy rain and temps are to plunge tonight and make for icy roads. It is a sad Christmas with CTS and family not able to come and Peter and wife also not able to come because of the impending storm.We lost power during the snowstorm and were cold a couple of days but have a tank full of propane for the generator for this storm.
Saturday, December 3, 2022
After Thanksgiving
I had a hand specialist look at my hand issues today. I have a brace which should help my corpal tunnel problems. No surgery or injections until things get worse. BP 188 over 80.
Another fall
December 2 FALL i FELL IN THE KITCHEN And HIT MY HEAD ON THE HARD ON THE OAK TABLE, Spent the next 5 hours in the ER getting checked out. NO blood in brain, just a big goose egg which is now gone.It is definitely a praise. Blood pressure was 220 over 86.
I Managed to get Tom to hear me calling for help. He was in the study and finally came to get me from under the table. We went to ER with ice pack on head. Must be more and more careful. Dr. Kroger checked BP on Friday and it was down to 260 oer 80. c
Friday, November 25, 2022
Thanksgiving 2022
This year, 2022, we had many relatives. There was Charlie and Beth, Jacob, Charlies son, Ian, charlies's cousin, Alan and Barbara, Charlies' brother and sister in law. Archie, Stephanie, Quinn an Aurora and Tom and Mary, with lots' of food
Monday, October 3, 2022
We had our first frost last night,October 3, 2022. NO plant damage.All plants were in the sunroom.
Things are quiet around here today. Kortney and Pastor are coming over. She for a piano lesson and Pastor to visit with Tom. Tom has done some research for him, which was a blessing as Tom loves projects. I'm sure they will have lots to discuss. Tom and I got our 5th Covid shot on Saturday. No reactions to any of the shots.
His sugar is over 200, but coming down. We go to Paliative Care at Togus tomorrow. He is out of danger now, but they want to keep him in the program for later.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
night blooming cirus
I think we have had 6 blooms so far this year and I see two more buds coming. Here is some of the latest pictures.
Roque Bluff
We spent a delightful weekend at Beth and Charlie's home on the coast of Maine. We toured around their ocean front and went over to Campobello Island for lunch. A lovely time for me and Tom.
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Yellow peony
I saw this peony at ocean botanical gardens a few years ago and wanted it so bad that Tom ordered it for me. It bloomed first time this spring.
Friday, July 22, 2022
Molly's visit
Sam, Molly, Sadie and Rosemary came to visit Maine. Rosemary is just 3 weeks old and is so cute. Tom and I got to hold our newest Greatgrand daughter a lot this week. Sadie has grown so much. She is a lovely little girl.
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Another fall
Yes, I fell hard in the garden yesterday. The ground is as hard as rock and I find it hard to sit without a lot of pain. Going to Doc this afternoon. I must face the fact that I need to just walk around the yard and not try to do anything! I will try to leave the work to my helpers. I really must work on this.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Soltace bonfire
Tonight Charlie Maddaus made a bonfire for the summer soltace. It was huge and Charlie Jr. and Alice thought it was great. The fire finally calmed so smores could be made. Tom made it down to the fire with Charle's help and he and I sat, not too close, to the fire and watched the kids make smores. Charlie M. played concerts from Latvia. I made flower hats for Alice and Luz and Myself. It was a fun time. We came in at 9:30.
Monday, June 20, 2022
Tom's progress
Latest update on Tom. He is now out of kidney failure and things are looking up for him. Beth has taken over his medication and his kidney function has gone from 15 to 25. Lots of prayers have been said in his behalf. We praise God.
Monday, May 23, 2022
MAY 23
Tom' s kidney numbers today had him up from stage 5 kidney failure to stage 4. Thank you all for prayers. This week's appointment was much better than last Monday.
Thursday, May 19, 2022
My beloved Tom is reaching the end of his life. We have been married for 67 years on May 21st. He is on Palliative care at the moment, but our spirits are good, We just live day by day. I have started pulling out our many trips that we enjoyed over the years so we can relive them again through our photos, It is a fun project. It sure beats mopping about, which does no good what so ever.
Postscript: The Church gathered around us and placed hands on both of us and prayed. The next test showed him out of kidney failure. THE POWER OF PRAYER NOTED!!!!!
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Hot May
We have turned the heat pumps to cool as it was 93 degrees on SaturdayMay 13th. Sunday was a rainy day, and we need about 30 more days of rain. The ground is soooo dry. I"m afraid by azeleas will all die and everything else. but maybe this little rain will help.
Tom continues to get weaker. I have trouble seeing him this way, and I'm sure he won't last long. Saturday is to be our 87 anniversary. I'm not sure he will make it. I"m praying he will hang on at least that long. I hope I leave this world shortly after him. I don't want to be alone.
Monday, April 18, 2022
Resurrection Sunday 2022
We had a wonderful Easter service and a great Children's Puppet show on the meaning of Easter on Saturday afternoon. The church is working great with The Wilders as pastor and wife.
I wore an Easter Hat, but no one else did. But at 88, I guess I can pretty much do what I feel like doing.
Beth and Charlie are in Latvia, so we were alone. Tom and I went to an Easter Buffet at Lafluers and it was delicious, we both ate too much, but his numbers were okay this morning, so so bad effects yet.
Saturday, April 9, 2022
picture from Sara's party
Bob, Charlene came from Tennessee. Mary and Tom came from Maine. All came to see Sara become Dr. Sara Ray at Penn University.
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Doctor Sara Ray
Beth drove us in the car to Philadelphia to hear Sara defend her Doctoral Thesis. She had friends and family come from New York, Washington, Maine, Arizona and Tennessee. All of her siblings, cousins and family were present. The little cousins were quiet as mice
On the drive there, we stopped a few times, but needed more stops, which we did on the return trip on Saturday. Bob and Charlene met us for supper in the Hyatt Hotel, where we stayed, for supper and then a nice rest for the next days events. We again met Bob and Charlene for Breakfast before going to Penn Hall. Ethan and other family members met us at the street parking where Ethan got the wheelchair out of the car and all all set up for Tom. Tom did manage to walk into the hallrt, but needed to be wheeled to the reception and back to the car after.
Sara gave a fantastic presentation, after which came questions from her faculty in Holland by Zoom and her faculty at Penn. We all vacated the hall to leave the faculty in charge. Then we met for a nice reception where she was introduced for the first time as Dr. Sara Ray.
We all enjoyed visiting with Sara's friends and our family as we munched goodies and played games with Hazel and the twins. Sadie was sleepy and stayed close to Mom and Dad.
After a long time visiting, Beth returned us to the hotel to be picked up later for Sara's party at the cemetary. It was cold and windy so Sara had been given use of the estate house on the grounds as she works there in the grave gardens and orchard. The estate house is a very beautiful old home which was given by the deceased owner many years ago and the city built the cemetary around the grounds.
After all the festivities, Beth returned us to the hotel to rest for our long trip home for Saturday. She was an excellent driver, but we all are tired today.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Well, baseball Training has begun and I'm happy. Also, I was able to walk to the mailbox without ice on the road, but it was muddy. I also didn't need a jacket, so I guess the worst of winter is over. Ethan and Hazel have left ,but I had a great time with sweet Hazel. She is so smart and loving. I love them very much. I will see them again in Philadelphia when we go to Sara's doctoral defense. I"m so lookiing forward to this event. I love my family very much and I will see them all there.
Thursday, February 3, 2022
cold February 2022
I wish I could go south this year. I"m really tired of the cold. We had a birthday dinner for Charlies Maddaus last night. Roast pork, mashed potatoes, salt free rice for Tom and gravy. Also fruit salad, chopped salad and Beth made cherry pies. I made an angel cake. Archie and family came. Aurora liked Granddad' rice, and Quinn went for the mashed potatoes. They both liked the fruit salad, and roast. They ate very well and didn't make a mess at all, even on the floor. Their place mats were also free of food. Such sweet and happy girls. Archie and Stepahanie are great parents.
Tom is doing well, but still has fluid making his weight go up. He fared well last night with the birthday dinner. REd beans and rice were his downfall as I put some ham in the beans. They were yummy though and a new fat free, salt free cornbread recipe was a hit.
We are supposed to get more snow this afternoon. It is cloudy right now, but no snow yet at 2:30. It is warm at over freezing temps.
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Below zero
We hit 14 below zero on the hill this morning. Weather man says not so cold tonight, but it is already down to 5 above at 8:00.
Ground is very icy, I only go out with my cleated shoes. I put cleats on a pair of shoes and leave them on, so I am ready to go get the paper or the mail. Or to walk Mara when she is here.
Not much other news.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Ice cold winter
January 10,1,12 all had nights well below zero and days in the teens. Today the temp went up to 16 and tomorrow is predicted to be warmer still with a big storm predicted for Monday, the 17th. We shall see. I'll try to find a winter picture to use.
Monday, January 3, 2022
A new year has come, we hope it will be better than 2021.
Tom and I are still free from the Covid virus as are Beth and Charlie. Som Charles and family in Florida all had a bout of the stuff as did Granddaughter Heather and family. All survived, which was a real blessing as Grandson Lee is a high risk due to his Stage 3 Lymphoma in remission for five years now.
I am getting used to a new HP computer as my MAC died many months ago. This was a great Christmas present. Beth and Tom are so good to me.
I am still experimenting on tom's diet and so far , we are keeping the salt free food in his mouth. He doesn't complain, but bravely tries my efforts at trying to make things tasty without salt.
I will have a new housekeeper on Tuesday. My neighbor, Barbara, will be helping out with cleaning and vacuuming.
This saves my energy for helping Tom and tending my numerous flowers and a little piano practice. MY hands give me more trouble than I admit, but I keep plugging along. Yesterday in church, Arnold played piano and I played the organ for our praise time of hymns.
It is very cold this morning at 2:00. I looked at 15 degrees on the inside/out thermometer.
I guess I am caught up with my 2022 news.