Thursday, December 30, 2021

New Years Eve

Ttomorrow is New Year's Eve.  I cannot believe 2022 is almost here.  This year has flown with all its ills.  May they be gone as well.  

Tonight I made biscuts to go with pork chops with honey glaze and summer squash and rice.  It was a yummy meal.  

My cleaning lady called and has broken her leg, so no cleaner now.  

It snowed a little more last night but was sunny today. 

We got our new wills signed yesterday and we paid the house taxes.  That finishes up the 2021 business.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Christmas 2021


Another Christmas is in the books and we had a wonderful time with Archi, Stephanie, Quinn, and Arora and Sara, Beth and Charlie and myself and Tom.   We had more than enough food, Beth's cranberry Christmas cake, deviled eggs, fruit, juice, potato casserole and oatmeal casserole, along with Christmas cookies, nuts and candy canes.

Sara is on her way back to Phili and we will see her in April when she defends her doctoral thesis.  Beth gave us hotel rooms for Christmas as we plan to go by car with her driving.  

I got this wonderful new computer and I am so happy.  My Mac broke, so I am now entering a whole new world. 


Last night we attended Gardens Aglow in Boothbay and it was spectacular. 


Thursday, November 11, 2021

NOvember 11, 2021

 Today is veterans Day and it is a lovely day here in Maine with bright sunshine.  tom and I took the 4 wheeler to the woods and explored many of our trails.  It was fun to be in the woods again.  He felt good after the trip and said he really enjoyed the ride.  Mara won't go into the woods with me ,so I have to rely on Tom and his 4 wheeler.  Anyway it was fun.  

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Last day of October 2021

 Today is the last day of October.  Archie and family are in Arizona to go trick or treating with cousins.   I am looking forward to pictures.  

  We expect no one will find our house ,but I will put out treats anyway.

B and J came  over last night.  We played 2games of hand and foot and the ladies won the first and the guys won the next.

Luella has lost weight and is sending me her  winter clothes. I cannot wait to get them.

Tom is much better and is still losing weight.  He sleeps well at night.

It is cold and rainy today, but I have nowhere to go.  Beth is doing the dump run.

Friday, October 29, 2021

First Frost 2021

 We had our first frost of the season this morning.  It was very heavy.  I don't look forward to the snow and ice, but maybe it won't be so bad this year.  

Tom is much better after he got his oxygen and new meds to reduce the swelling in his legs. HE seems in  brighter spirits as well.  I really feel bad when he  is so negative about his progress.I look forward to more better days coming up.   

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October 20, 2021 Tom is having trouble breathing due to his AHF. Last night hee slept in the LR recliner and I slept on the couch. i"m afraid to be in the bedroom and not hear him having bad trouble.

 Tom is having trouble breathing due to his advanced CHF.  Last night he slept on a recliner in the LR.  I slept on the couch to be near him.  This may be a norm for us.  I hope not,but whatever it takes to get him to breathe properly.  

Today we enjoyed a lovely ride on a beautiful fall day and had lunch at LaFluers.  They fixed him a haddock plate that was free of salt.  They are so accommodating. Anyway, we had a nice outing.  I took my lunch salt and all.  

The Red Sox  lost again tonight.  Maybe better luck in Texas on Friday.  We still have hope.  



Thursday, September 30, 2021

 Blog information 2021

In March we got our Covid shots.  That was exciting.  
Ethan and Hazel came for a week in April.
Dean also came for a weekend in April.

In May, Beth invited us to share our anniversary in Roque Bluff  with Bruce and Jean.  We had a great time.  I love their cottage.  

In late June, Ethan and Hazel came for a month visit, but Tom had a stroke on July 6, so our visit with them was a short one.  

In August, Dean came again for a weekend visit.  We do enjoy his visits and he has been a good friend for about 40 years.

Tom has several occupational speech lessons for his memory and enjoyed those sessions very much.  

ON September 22, Dr. Bowmen took a biopsy on his head and getting the bleeding stopped was a major affair and now they will have to go in and do the MOHS treatment and open the spot up again to get all the cancer out.

Paster Mace has been very supportive and I could not have done all these weeks without   
 Beth and Charlie to help.  What a blessing they are.  

Tom has to sleep in a chair or on lots of pillow wedges to breathe.  It is not easy to see him struggle, but I try to focus on the positive to get through each day.  I have to stay well for him. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 2021

 This has been a wild year, with Covid restrictions and Tom's various flair ups medically. for instanace:

 Monday, September 27

I woke to find that Tom’s biopsy spot had bled all night, so I called the demonologist  office and was told to go in immediately.  HIs head had bled all the time in the hospital and they couldn’t handle it either.  He had an appointment at 11:00 in Rumford for his foot doctor.The demonologist is in Lewiston about 50 miles apart. 
They thought the bleeding was stopped and we left there about 9:30 for Rumford.  About 25 inures later, his head started bleeding again, but I keep driving to Rumford.  We made it just in time to get his feet checked and taken care of before heading home.  All of this so far with no breakfast for either of us, so we came home.  I called the Demonologist again and told them the problem.  They said Try  to make it by 2:00.  It is now 1:00, so off I flew and kept reasonably within the speed limit.  But we now had a little food  in our bodies for energy.

We made the trip on time and this time, he is really fixed up.  He had to come home and sit in a recliner with ice held on his head for 15 minute periods and not do anything.  I rested while Beth tended to him.  I got up later and made supper and now he is in bed and probably already asleep.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

 It is January 3 and we have 6 inches of snow on ground which fell on Saturday.  Beth and Maura are home from Roque bluffs.  Charlie is still there.