Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I tried to load several photos and only one ran, so here are some more
MY daylily beds are full of weeds, but here will be a few pictures of some of my favorites this year.

Monday, July 9, 2012

I missed loading the frogs, so here goes another try.
Today is a beautiful sunny day, but so cool, I'm wearing a sweater. I amy go our and weed a flower bed, so the sweater will come off . IT's 65 degrees this morning. I"m having trouble finding my goldfish in the ponds, but I have no trouble locating the frogs. We have at least two different kinds. ONe is mostly light green and the others are darkgreen. These two on the rock are almost black, they are so dark.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

This is the first of JUly and my hybrid daylilies are just beginning to bloom. I had blooms in May down south, but I'm happy to have my big blooms here in July. Let's see if I can add a few pictures to this blog.