Saturday, August 31, 2024

Grace Fellowship church

 This is a group of our friends who have left WPBC and are visiting Grace Fellowship.  

Moving sale

We are trying to get rid  of lots of unneeded junk in preparation to move to Colorado in two years.  That is the plan at the moment.  Beth wants to move there when she retires in two years.  We will follow.  So another move is in the making.  Lots of stuff to get rid of in the meantime.  We do have two years.  

Friday, August 16, 2024

new churches

 We visited Hebron Baptist last Sunday and plan to go to West Sumner Baptist this Sunday.  Hebron was very nice and friendly but still a distance away.  Sumner is very close for winter driving.Will update as we visit.  

new neighbor

 He is not the typical neighbor, but an added attraction to our little community.    

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Black Day at Church

 Our new pastor of 3 moths was fired by the deacons and today was his last day.  It will be known how this will affect the church.  Tom and I will look elsewhere for sure.  Brother Ken was an excellent preacher and it was totally unfair for him to be dismissed.  I wish he and Jen the best wherever they go.  I am very upset over this.  WPBC has been our church for 25 years and we are so sorry to leave, but we can't stay while Gary and Edie are in charge.  The devil has finally gotten a stronghold in the church,  Maybe it was us and things will get better without us. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

COVID day 12

 I finally feel human again.  I played piano for an hour or more today.  Tom still has a deep cough.  

I plan to try church on Sunday, I cooked supper.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

covid day5

 I wish I could say, I'm almost well, but I still feel sick and weak.   Maybe Fran's good chicken soup will put some energy and spice back in my life.  Hopefully.  I'm getting tired of doing nothing and feeling terrible.